The rolling maul that is the organisational wing of the local St. Patrick’s Day Parade has been joined by a couple of considerable forces – and the line is in sight.
In other words: The parade is going ahead after a boost at last month’s EGM and all lights are on green.
Bunting and flags have bern tethered and tied to post and pillar on Sunday and the programme for the big day itself is as good as set in stone and in accordance with tradition.
Last year the Castleisland parade attracted a total of 52 floats and the organisers are urging all associations, committees, groups and schools to really pull out every stop to make this a record turnout.
“We got an estimated 3,000 people on the street here last year and there’s no reason we shouldn’t do better that that number this year,” said committee chairman, Charlie Farrelly.
A gig-rig will be set up at the Dave Geaney’s Corner by the Ivy Leaf and music will start there at 12-30pm.
Due to the high cost of insurance the committee decided not to hold its traditional, post parade concert on the rig.
Charlie Farrelly is on 087 2056150 or Ted Kenny on: 087 2842899