A Castleisland Dafodill Day event at Garvey’s SuperValu in 2004. Garvey’s made a contribution of €500 which they raised by holding an in-store tea morning. Kathleen O’Sullivan is pictured pouring cups of tea for, from left: Peggy Healy, Betty Kerin, Castleisland and Breda Dennehy, Currow. On right is store manager, Margaret Ryan. ©Photograph: John Reidy 19-3-2004
Daffodil Day 2015 is being held on Friday March 27th and it’s approaching fast.
The Irish Cancer Society doesn’t receive government support and is totally reliant on fund-raising to pay for services such as night nursing. The society provides the only night-time care services for cancer patients in their own homes.
In 2014 its nurses provided 7,800 nights of care to more than 1,670 patients.
Volunteer are being asked for their time on Friday 27th. Fresh Daffodils would be greatly appreciated and can be left into: Walsh Bros Electrical, Main Street, Castleisland on the Wednesday and Thursday before the 27th.
Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact: Marie Walsh on 086 10 32 436 or 066 71 41973