Castleisland Community Council formally wound itself up on Tuesday evening with a presentation of its remaining funds to the Castleisland Graveyard Committee. The committee regularly conducts clean-up sessions and organises an annual mass in one or other of the local graveyards.
Members of the council presented a cheque for € 947.00 to the committee and announced its withdrawal from activity in the locality in light of the recent formation of the Castleisland Chamber Alliance.
Bell or Whistle
Castleisland Community Council announced its presence without bell or whistle in the latter part of February 2005.
It immediately set about its business with plans to upgrade the paths at Kilbanivane Cemetery. It took on and completed similar work on the river walk link between Herbert Bridge on the Killarney Road and the old railway track. That upgrade formed a loop which took in the Cahereens West housing estate.
The council was set up at a meeting in the function room over Skevena’s Bar on February 17th 2005. Even before it was formed it had secured the services of two social economy workers for projects it had in its pipe-lines.
Completely Overgrown
That meeting came up with the committee which consisted of: Chairman: Charlie Farrelly, Secretary: James O’Connell with Maureen Hickey and Joan Nolan as joint treasurers.
The council targeted Pembroke’s side of Kilbanivane Cemetery as its first task. Many of the graves there were completely overgrown and the footpaths need to be redefined and surfaced.
It was formed against a backdrop of problems of disorder on the streets of the town at the time and finding recreational premises for troubled youngsters was high on the list as well.
The members also lobbied for the winding up of the Kerry County Council storage yard / dumpsite which was sited in front of the senior citizens’ houses at Tonbwee.
Well Supported Locally
At Tuesday evening’s cheque presentation council chairman Charlie Farrelly said that it was important for the council to wind up its affairs publicly in this way as it had been well supported locally during its existence.
“We got great support from the people of the locality as we were undertaking work in the area which was visible and which made a difference to people’s lives. It’s very important then that people know that the money they donated to us is now going on to do exactly what it was intended to.
“We’re glad to make that sum available to the Castleisland Graveyard Committee for the constant work they’re undertaking here,” said Mr. Farrelly.
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