Because we are now in a brand new year, the first few sentences here should surely be of greetings and good wishes.
On that happy note, may I wish all readers and supporters of The Maine Valley Post everywhere all they’d wish for themselves in the course of the year ahead.
As it stretches away out in front of us, with all its promise and uncertainty, nobody knows who will make it to the end and beyond. Our wish is that we all will. But life isn’t like that.
However, we can wish and we can be lucky and, more that anything else in this world, we can, most certainly, be hopeful.
Looking Back
Every newspaper, radio and television station are now engaged in the business of looking back over the year just gone.
There have been many highlights and as many lowdown and deadly incidents carried out in the name of one cause or another.
Even last night in Istanbul, a man with a heart full of hatred for his fellow human beings, murdered almost 40 people who were celebrating the onset of a new year.
Annals of History
That crazy, murderous act will forever mark the introduction to 2017 in the annals of history and furnish the archives of the papers and media outlets for their backward glances.
Here at home we lost a lot of people through the natural process of life and death. There were many passings which shook the area in terms of their untimely nature.
Spare a Thought
So, while we look forward with all the hope we can muster – in spite of everything – maybe we can remember those gone from us in the course of the past year – and spare a thought for those left behind and their own personal struggles in coming to term with their loss.
Happy New Year.
The parish compilation here takes in the period from November 1st. 2015 to October 31st. 2016. With thanks to Parish Clerk, Noreen O’Sullivan.
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