The next meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Killarney will be held in the Town Hall, Killarney in the morning, Wednesday, July 26th at 10am.
The following is a list of motions and questions on the agenda in relation to the Castleisland and Scartaglin areas.
Motions number 3 and 4 under the Economic and Community Development Directorate heading come from Cllr. Bobby O’Connell and Cllr. Donal O’Grady on derelict sites in Castleisland and the provision of skate parks in Killarney and Castleisland:
3. Cllr. B. O’Connell: That Kerry County Council, in co-operation with Castleisland Chamber Alliance, identify the derelict sites in the town and try and eradicate these blights from our town and make Castleisland the catalyst for other towns.
4. Cllr. D. Grady: That we, Killarney Municipal District Council, would look at providing a skate park in Killarney and Castleisland, in consultation with the youth, as a group of teens approached me.
Under the Operations, Safety & Infrastructure Directorate a footbridge over the River Maine at the bottom of Creamery Lane / Convent Street is being raised by Cllr. Michael Gleeson and Cllr. Bobby O’Connell.
While Cllr. O’Connell will raise the issue of a continuation of the lighting and footpath at Tullig through the Black Road and as far as the community centre:
Cllr. John Joe Culloty has called for road resurfacing after windmill work in Scartaglin.
8. Cllr. M. Gleeson: That the Council would seriously and positively examine the possibility of erecting a footbridge across the river from a location proximate to the Convent School in Castleisland. Such a bridge would greatly help to alleviate the traffic chaos that is at present a constant feature.
10. Cllr. B. O’Connell: Can Kerry County Council give an estimate of the cost of providing a footpath and lighting around the Black Road and Tullig into Castleisland Town.
13. Cllr. B. O’Connell: That Kerry County Council install a footbridge over the River Maine to facilitate Scoil Mhuire gan Smál and the new Autistic Unit and the Day Care Centre as this will also alleviate traffic congestion on this extremely busy area.
25. Cllr. J.J. Culloty: As the ducting and cabling for wind turbines on the Mountfalvey road in Scartaglin is complete, I call on this Council to ensure that this section of road is re-surfaced to the same standard as the other neighbouring section of roads, which were similarly affected by the trench excavations and heavy traffic.
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