Pharmacist Aileen Lynch has sent a reminder that Lolliop Day for the Oesophageal Cancer Fund is happening on this Friday and Saturday.
You can get your Lollipop and make your donation in her Lower Main Street, Castleisland pharmacy.
TY Students Row In
The event will be ‘staffed’ by Transition Year Students from St. Patrick’s Secondary School and Presentation Castleisland.
They will be doing the Friday shift in town and volunteers will be at the Upper Main Street Centra Supermarket on Saturday.
Voluntary Organisation
The Oesophageal Cancer Fund is a voluntary organisation and registered charity with three key aims:
To raise awareness of the symptoms of oesophageal cancer; to fund essential research into preventing and eradicating oesophageal cancer; to support individuals and families in coping with oesophageal cancer.
Early Detection
Early detection of OC can make all the difference. Unfortunately, there remains a lack of public awareness of the symptoms. What many people pass off as ‘heartburn’ can be something much more life-threatening.
Public Education
OCF hopes that, through continued public education, people will learn to respond to difficulty in swallowing as they would to a breast lump or unusual mole.
Lollipop Day is OCF’s annual fundraising initiative.
The public reaction over the past 16 years has been fantastic, raising hundreds of thousands of euros for research and clinical breakthroughs.
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