I got a message from a lady by the name of Amanda Byrne over the last couple of days and she’s trying to trace a friend her mother had from these parts in Dublin many years ago.
She thinks that the friend is from these parts and the woman’s name would suggest that she is.
“I am trying to trace Ellen /Eileen Jones from Glaunthane Co Kerry, she used to work with my mam in Wynns Hotel in Dublin in the late 70s/early 80s.
“They lost touch over the years after leaving Wynns and my mam is really keen to find her and get back in contact and renew their friendship.
Moving to London
“She remembers Ellen / Eileen talking about moving to London with her boyfriend from Longford and she isn’t sure if she emigrated in the end,” said Amanda.
She can supply a few more details if we get any leads on where Eileen / Ellen Jones is now.
Anyone with any updates can ring 087 2359467 and I’ll pass them on.
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