A Tralee based archaeology consultancy firm has been commissioned to survey the remains of the Sunbeam on Rossbeigh Beach.
The National Monuments Service has commissioned Laurence Dunne Archaeology to survey the ship – the tips of which have been a feature on the beach since it was wrecked there over a century ago.
The recent storms and high tides ‘unearthed’ the entire wreck and moved in against the sand dunes there.
The schooner has lain, buried deep on Rossbeigh beach since it was wrecked while on a voyage from Galway to Cork in 1903.
Recent storms dislodged it from its position to a nearby sand dune. In a remarkably well preserved state given its age, the old ship now faces a greater threat from suvenier hunters who are stripping pieces off it.
The wreck is protected under the National Monuments Act.
Archaeologist Laurence Dunne has worked in the recovery of artifacts from the Lusitania and anchors from the Aud which were both sunk in war-time incinents off Cork Harbour. His current mission on Rossbeigh beach is urgent. It’s a race against time to prevent wreckage from being taken out naturally by the sea or by the rising tide of suvenier hungry tourists.
Photo By : Domnick Walsh / Eye Focus LTD ©