Cornie’s Wit Shines Through

Breda Joy's just published, Hidden Kerry - The Keys to The Kingdom in its 'Four Star' review in The Irish Mail in Sunday.
Breda Joy’s just published, Hidden Kerry – The Keys to The Kingdom in its ‘Four Star’ review in The Irish Mail in Sunday.

The wit of the late Cornie Tangney, Scartaglin, heads up a four-star review of Breda Joy’s new book, Hidden Kerry, in the latest edition of the The Irish Mail on Sunday (November 2nd).

The enduring colour of Cornie’s personality and his eventful life prompted journalist Aiden Corkery, a native of Ballymacelligott, to select his story from the 40 essays in the book and to devote half of the review to him.

“Cornie is just one of a wonderful cast that populates Breda Joy’s thoroughly enjoyable account of her native county, Hidden Kerry,” Aiden writes. “Somewhat in the mould of Bill Bryson, Joy ambles through the county, meeting local historians and eccentrics, discussing less well-known aspects of the county’s history from the Earls of Desmond up to the present.”

Breda Joy will be reading and discussing her book at The Rambling House in Scartaglin on Monday night from 9pm.

Published by Mercier, Hidden Kerry sells in Kerry bookshops at €19.99.