Jigsaw Kerry representatives will deliver a talk on the topic of Supporting Young People’s Mental Health in the River Island on Thursday night, November 26th from 7-30pm to 8-30pm. The event is being held in association with Castleisland Family Resource Centre.
The talk is aimed at parents, teachers, coaches or anyone who works with youth. The talk is just one hour long and admission is free.
Jigsaw Kerry is an initiative which is part of a national network of Jigsaw projects supported by Headstrong, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. It brings together community support for the mental health needs of young people aged between 12 and 25. It aims to involve the whole community in better supporting young people’s mental health and well being.
Jigsaw Kerry promotes positive attitudes to mental health in the county and works with the likes of: the Institute of Technology, Tralee, and Youthreach centres to improve the support available to students.

Graffiti Artist at Large
Talking about young people: I discovered one of the finest pieces of graffiti art on the river-side of the Convent Wall on Saturday evening. I imagine it was done by a young person as I don’t know anyone of my age who goes around with tins of spray and is weighed down by this type of talent.
This piece, which measures about 6′ x 2′ in old money, was executed by a gifted and talented hand and it looks like it’s been done free-hand. Not all ‘grown-up’ will appreciate the appearance of this work of art or its location. Even so I can’t get away from the gifted hand that created it and what it could do if given the opportunity and a canvass from which the community would somehow benefit.
Up to this point I have been engrossed in the obvious talent which created this piece that the state of mind of the creator never occurred to me.
There are many scholarly articles written on graffiti and its practitioners. Profilers in the USA categorised them as belonging to the 13 to 25 years-of-age bracket and all of them link graffiti and vandalism inextricably.
Others explain that it’s a cry for acceptance, help or inclusion. Anyway the talk on Supporting Young People’s Mental Health is at 7-30pm to 8-30pm on Thursday night at the River Island Hotel.
All are welcome. Booking is not necessary but anyone interested in attending is asked to text 087 75 53 066 to register their interest. https://www.headstrong.ie/jigsaw/jigsaw-centres-across-ireland/kerry