There is a strong Castleisland connection with this evening’s very good news story on the RTÉ Six One News.
Young Arron O’Leary from Cork who received the lung transplant at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle in the UK was a volunteer model – or ‘Poster Boy’ as Joe Browne described him – for the Build4Life project in Clonough in 2008 when the two houses were being built there at the time.
Medical Team
That link to Castleisland was strengthened by the fact that Barrack Street, Castleisland native, Dr. James Lordan was a prominent member of the medical team which carried out the successful transplant on the now 11-year-old Arron.
The young man told the reporters in this evening’s news that he can breathe more easily and the doctors reported that his recovery is remarkable.
Arron and his family were attending the opening of the new CF unit at Cork University Hospital recently when they got the all important call telling them a match had been found for Arron.
Job Well Done
Dr. James Lordan featured fleetingly on the clips from the hospital this evening. You’ll see him on the left of your screen at the very start and, at the end, where he’s smiling with the satisfaction of a job well done as young Arron gives the thumbs up from his hospital bed.
“Castleisland should be very proud to have an amazing man like James Lordan using his exceptional skills to bring the ‘gift of life’ to so many people on the transplant list,” said a delighted Build4Life founder and campaigner, Joe Browne this evening.