You can find out more about Divanes Castleisland and the New Tiguan with a click on the advert here.
We have a habit hereabouts of saying ‘There’s always something’ – and we recycle it when ripples appear in our usually quiet, day-to-day world. It’s as old as the hills but as true as when it was first uttered.
There was an almost annual something at Divanes Castleisland on Friday evening and the ripples were far reaching. Neighbours were drifting in to the Stanley Divane Pavilion from mid-afternoon on invitations issued from the long established Killarney Road base.
This time last year, Divanes Castleisland were preparing to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the business and of the sale of the first VW by founder Stanley Divane on June 15th 1955.
Reasons for Celebration
There were several reasons for celebrations on this, most recent occasion. The pavilion itself has undergone a programme of refurbishment with customer comfort in mind.
By no stretch of the imagination could you call it a garage or even a showroom. In any case the actual garage part of the business is located across the road.
A new floor and furnishings in the reception area brings the building further away from any garage imaginings and into the realm of plush hotel lobby.
At the town-side wing of the area were parked two new models which were just being launched on the Irish market. And there was considerable admiration of and interest in the pair of new Tiguan SUVs on display.
Members of Divane’s client base from this and neighbouring counties were out in force and in family clusters for the viewing. Dads and sons sat in and tried the models for size.
Imagination Took Off
One young man’s imagination really took off and he supplied the engine noise and all as he tigerishly turned and twisted to avoid objects and obstacles only he could see from the wheel house of his new, white Tiguan charger.
VW ambassador and Kerry senior football team manager, Eamonn Fitzmaurice dropped in later to fulfill his role for 2016 and he gratefully accepted his brand new Passat Highline – and that too is a white model.
Eamonn Fitzmaurice is following in the footsteps of the late Paidí Ó Sé and Jack O’Connor in this role of VW Brand Ambassador. Whatever considerations or pressure he’ll face in the course of the summer ahead, motoring won’t be one of them.
The handing over of the keys by salesman, John Vahey and Divanes Castleisland MD Denis Divane was accompanied by the traditional chorus of best wishes to the manager and the team in the championship ahead. And so say all of us.