Questions Asked by Danny in the Dáil

Danny Healy-Rae, TD asking Dáil questions on a range of topics. ©John Reidy
Danny Healy-Rae, TD asking Dáil questions on a range of topics. ©John Reidy

He took the Irish electoral system by surprise at the end of February when he joined his brother Michael Healy Rae as a TD in the 32nd Dáil Éireann elections. He’s made a wave or two since with his ‘leave it to God’ philosophy on climate change.

Now, Danny Healy Rae, TD is back on the issues of the streets of his constituency with the use of his speaking time in the chamber.

He has been asking questions on matters of health of the new Minister Harris and of Taoiseach Kenny himself. Danny has also focused on Minister Noonan on matters of finance.

Here, in his own words, are the representations which have been made by Deputy Healy Rae recently.

University Hospital Kerry

“I asked the new young Minister for Health to be accountable for everything in Health as previously questions directed to the Minister would be referred to the HSE and questions put to the HSE would be referred back to the Department. I asked for the wards that are closed in University Hospital Kerry to be re-opened.

“I highlighted the need for the new mental health unit at Deer Lodge, St. Margaret’s Road, Killarney to be opened. I stressed the issue that there are wards in the community hospitals in Kenmare and Dingle which have not been opened yet.

VAT and Tax Returns

“I asked the Minister for Finance to sort out delays in refunding VAT and taxes to principal contractors as it is having a severe financial impact on all contractors, especially small subcontractors.

Delay in Home Help

“I asked the Taoiseach and the Minister for Health, in light of a newspaper article which stated that disabled and elderly persons’ applications for home help would be delayed until later this year, that this issue be dealt with proactively. People who want to remain in their own homes and need someone to help them cannot wait until the end of the year.”