Abbeyfeale and District News Round-Up

Canon Neville’s 90th Birthday

Canon James Neville. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Canon James Neville. ©Photograph: John Reidy

Hearty congratulations to Canon Neville who recently celebrated his 90th birthday.

By: Marian Harnett

Canon Neville is still active in the parish both in visiting the sick and housebound and covering for the other priests when necessary.  We want to thank him for his service as Parish Priest of Abbeyfeale and his continuing loyalty to the parish.

We wish him every blessing and good health in the years ahead.

Day Trip With Community Alert

We are currently planning a day trip on Wednesday, July 26 to Dingle which would include a trip around Slea Head and a four course Early Bird in Jim McCarthy’s award winning restaurant, Chart House.

We are looking for Expressions of Interest before Thursday June 1st. so if you think you’d like to join us please ring Mary 087 6377310, Kathleen 087 6253154 or Marian 087 6866450. We will only book if we know we have a bus load.

Remembering Zoe Funday

Sunday next, May 28 at Fr. Casey’s from 2pm.  Underage Blitz’s, Facepainting, Novelty events and loads more. Fun for all the family.  If you would like to help with the day please contact Shane O’Connor 087 2891015.

Kerry ETB Fair In The Devon

Kerry ETB Education & Training Fair  takes place in the Devon Inn, Templeglantine  on Monday, May 29 from 11am to 6pm.  For more information see

St. Ita’s Faith Camp

Registration for the annual St. Ita’s Faith Camp which takes  place from Tuesday, August 1 – Friday, August 4 will be held on Wednesday, June 14  from 7pm – 8pm  and Thursday, June 15 from  8 – 9pm at St Mary’s  Boys School.  2017 Confirmation children especially  welcome. We are also asking families to host our visiting volunteers this year. We welcome any person who is 15 years or over to volunteer for the camp as much help is needed during our 4 days.

Search On For Storytellers

The organisers of the Sean McCarthy Memorial Festival, held every August Bank Holiday weekend in Finuge in North Kerry are hoping to reach out to Storytellers and invite them to take part in the Mick McCarthy storytelling competition which is part of the weekend.  They say;   “We are trying to reach out to the storytellers of Ireland and abroad to let them know that, the competition is now open for entries. We are delighted to say, that we have been attracting a very high calibre of storytellers for the last twenty four years. Eamon Kelly himself was a wonderful supporter of our festival.

If you know someone who would be interested in entering the Mick McCarthy storytelling competition and being in with a chance to win €1000, we would be delighted to hear from them.

If you require more information, our website is, or you can call 068 40203.”

Ryan’s Daughter At The Glorach

The newly formed film club at the Glórach presents Ryan’s Daughter on Wednesday, June 7 at 8pm.  Admission €7.  Bookings on 087 1383940.

Pilgrimage To Knock

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday, June 11. Booking at Sean Brodericks and usual outlets.

Rambling House At Fr. Casey’s

Benny Thade McCarthy’s final Rambling House of the season will take place on Monday night June 5 at 8.30pm.  This is a fundraising night for Dromcollogher Respite Centre which was recently renovated.   All singers,  musicians,  dancers and storytellers welcome, doors open at 8.30pm and show begins at 9pm.   Please come along and show your support.   For more information contact Benny on 0879918546.

Meet Under Fr. Casey

Abbeyfeale Tidy Towns will be meeting in the Square this Wednesday from 7pm-8pm.   We are looking for new members & would welcome anyone who has an hour to spare to come & join us.

Kileenagh Holy Well

Mass will be celebrated at the Holy Well on Wednesday, May 31 at 8pm.  The Rosary continues to be said there every Friday evening during May.

Graveyard Spring Clean

Reilig Ide Naofa spring clean is on every Tuesday from 7-9pm.   More help always welcome. Bring gloves.

Fr. Caseys Ladies GAA Feile Fundraiser

Please donate your unwanted clothes & textiles to raise funds for Fr. Casey’s Girls U14 team who have qualified for the Feile finals in Cavan in June. Any re-wearable clothes, paired shoes, belts, handbags, curtains, towels, bed linen, soft toys are accepted. Please drop off bags at the GAA complex on Sunday mornings, 10.30-11.30 am between now and the end of May. Contact Mike 087 2279922, Ha 086 1071620, Laura 087 1651529 or Pat 087 9030745 if you need any assistance.

Opt In To Keep Up

Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In. The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP Programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few. Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out –


The last  meeting of West Limerick Toastmasters for this season is on Wednesday, May 31 in the Desmond Complex NCW.

Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group

Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group meets every Tuesday and Thursday in St. Ita’s Hall In Abbeyfeale from 11am to 12.30pm.  New people always welcome. Contact Mary at West Limerick Resources on 087 9382883.

Help Needed For Zoe Fun Day

Volunteers wanted for Remembering Zoe Fun day 2- 4pm at Fr. Caseys GAA Club Sunday May 28.  Contact Shane 087 2891015.

Community Natters

West Limerick Resources are now producing a monthly community newsletter entitled ‘Community Natters’. With this newsletter, we hope to reach out to the many community groups in our area and communicate some useful hints and information as well as highlighting some new and interesting projects happening around us. As always, we are hoping to engage with as many voluntary organisations as possible, so please feel free to get in touch with any member of the team at West Limerick Resources if you have any events/projects currently happening in your community. Please let us know by emailing us at or To subscribe to the monthly newsletter, please log onto our website and enter your email address in the subscription box.

Abbeyfeale Community Alert

Should you be affected by or witness an anti social event – on the street, in your property, at your business, in the Town Park etc. – it is recommended that you call the 24 hour line in Newcastlewest  on 069 20650 to log your complaint.

This type of low level nuisance crime needs to be reported so that the Gardai can be made aware that it is happening.

So, if someone walks out in front of your car, or you see someone in your garden or on your wall make the call.

We have been asked to remind people that once they reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 then they are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system.

The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert but there will be a monitoring fee to be paid yearly to the installing company which is currently in the region of €65.

If you do not have a land line the company will organise a sim card for a mobile phone for a monthly fee of approx. €12 on top of the monitoring fee.

If you are a victim of or have witnessed domestic abuse then log onto   We constantly update our FB page with local alerts and information on keeping safe so do keep an eye on that.

Committee members are: Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Neily Lyons, Marian Harnett and Garda Roger O’Donoghue.

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