3rd year students recieveing awards LtoR Lauren Butler Katherina Brodrick (principal) Sarah O Mahony Alanna Glennon Cait O Mahony-1

Third year students recieveing awards from Principal Katherina Broderick. Award winners are from left: Lauren Butler, Sarah O’Mahony, Alanna Glennon and Cáit O’Mahony at the Presentation Castleisland annual awards night. Photograph: Katie O’Reilly Read more…

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3rd year students recieveing awards LtoR Lauren Butler Katherina Brodrick (principal) Sarah O Mahony Alanna Glennon Cait O Mahony-1

Third year students recieveing awards from Principal Katherina Broderick. Award winners are from left: Lauren Butler, Sarah O’Mahony, Alanna Glennon and Cáit O’Mahony at the Presentation Castleisland annual awards night. Photograph: Katie O’Reilly Read more…

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