In the course of his recent Kerry County Council election campaign, Charlie Farrelly ran into many local issues ‘on the doorsteps’ as they say.
One of the most pressing was – and still is – the discoloured water in the public supply in the Kilbanivane area of Castleisland.
Kilbanivane and Water Problems
Kilbanivane and water problems have been, unfortunately, synonomous in recent years and more in the area of flood waters than that for the purpose of public consumption.
Mr. Farrelly was invited to a meeting in a private house in the area at the end of April and got a first hand look at the colour of the water coming from the taps there. He was also told about and shown samples of fittings which had been corroded in that and other houses in the locality.
The People’s Problems
Now Cllr. Charlie Farrelly was able to address the people’s problem in the very forum to which he campaigned to be elected those couple of months ago.
An email from Cllr. Farrelly this morning will bring the people of the general College Road, Kilbanivane, Churchtown and Cragg up to date on the status of their ongoing problem.
Intro to Irish Water Response
“Please see below a reply to my numerous requests prior to and since the local elections where the residents are living under constant duress as a result of the unacceptable water supply to their homes.
I am hopefully they will get a positive response next week and I will look forward to seeing clear, drinkable water flowing from their taps,” said Cllr. Farrelly as an introduction to the reply he received from Irish Water.
Dear Councillor Farrelly,
Thank you for your recent communication on behalf of constituents of Kilbannivane, Castleisland, Co. Kerry regarding Water Quality.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your constituents.
I have received an update from the Local Water Department advising that an investigation was carried out and the issue is a result of cast iron mains.
Works are planned to start on replacement of old corroding cast iron mains in this area during the week commencing Monday 24th June.
I trust you find the above information satisfactory.
Thank you for contacting Irish Water.
Yours sincerely,
John O’Driscoll, Local Representative Support Desk.
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