Council on the Bypass – Irish Water on College Road

Traffic through Castleisland town will heighted for most of today as work begins on margin spraying and repairs to the central barriers on one side of the bypass from the Mick Galwey Roundabout southward. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Irish Water workers setting out their structures on College Road this morning as work on the corroded pipe replacement begins. ©Photograph: John Reidy

The traffic volume through the town of Castleisland will heighten for a good part of today as repair work on the central dividers and spraying of the margins on the bypass are carried out.

The south bound side of the bypass between Dooneen and Tralee Road was closed from 9:30am this morning and is scheduled to re-open at around 4:30pm this afternoon.

South Bound Traffic Only

There doesn’t appear to be any great rush in traffic through the town as the work is being conducted on the south bound side of the bypass only.

The official issue from Kerry County Council is as follows:

“The N21 Castleisland Bypass (southbound direction only) will be closed to traffic from 9.30am to 4.30pm on Wednesday 26 June (between Dooneen and Tralee Road roundabouts only) to facilitate essential repair works. Diversion via Castleisland Town for traffic from the Abbeyfeale direction.”

Irish Water Moves on College Road Pipes

Meanwhile, work has also begun on the replacement of corroded water supply pipes on College Road by an Irish Water crew.

The school holidays, which are due to kick in officially tomorrow, will greatly facilitate the work on the road from the Boys’ National School to the old library.

Iron Pipes Replacement

The work this morning began at the Kilbanivane side of the school and is expected to proceed up past the graveyards and end where the households are connected to the Brosna Water Supply and beyond the run of the old iron pipes in the Castleisland supply which are causing the contamination and discolouration of domestic supplies in the area.

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Copyright Notice: The images and text which appear on The Maine Valley Post site remain the exclusive property of John Reidy, (unless stated otherwise) and are protected under International Copyright laws. Images or text may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of the author, John Reidy, in this instance. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted by John Reidy 2018.