Castleisland Tidy Towns church gate collection will be taken up this coming weekend on Saturday 20th. and Sunday 21st. of July.
The group involved has put a lot of time and money into its efforts this year and, apart from grants and the generosity of some businesses and individuals, the church gate collection is its only public fundraiser.
“Everyone agrees that the town is looking better than ever this year. We would like to acknowledge the hard work put in by our committee, community workers and residents groups,” according to the group.
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell also came in with an allocation of €1,000 for the hanging baskets and former councillor John Joe Culloty donated €2,100 from his allocation and this was used to buy a strimmer and trees and plants for biodiversity.
“As usual we have no idea whether we’ve been judged yet so we are appealing to the whole community to be aware of litter and tidiness. In other words, clean and sweep outside your own front door.
In the meantime the group is promoting a talk and walk on the bat population in the Castleisland area.
The event is being hosted at the River Island Hotel on the coming Tuesday July 23rd at 8pm and being presented by Bat Conservation Ireland in conjunction with Kerry County Council and it will form part of an all Ireland waterways survey.
Tidy Towns members say that a number of people have expressed an interest in attending and they are encouraging parents to bring their children along. All are welcome.
Have a look at the Bat Conservation Ireland website to find out more with a click on the link here:
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