Scoil Mhuire in Hot Meals Pilot Project
Scoil Mhuire, Brosna has been selected along with 35 other schools nationwide for the Hot School Meals Pilot Project.
By Mairéad Moriarty, PRO
The initiative will benefit 6,600 students across the country and will provide a hot meal for primary school children on a pilot scheme basis from September.
Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty, who made the announcement, explained that children who benefit from a daily nutritious hot dinner have greater focus and better learning outcomes.
It is a significant accolade for Brosna and reflects the excellent way in which the school is administered by the principle and staff.
Well done and Bon appetit !
Brosna Coiste Na nÓg Sponsors
Brosna Coiste Na nOg would like to say a sincere thank you to both Walsh Autos and Paul Reidy Construction for their support in sponsoring the U-6 and U-8 jerseys.
We would ask all our club members to support all of our sponsors as much as possible.
Walsh Autos is conveniently located just outside Castleisland on the N21 and offer a wide selection of cars for sale and auto maintenance services.
Paul Reidy Construction is based in Mounteagle and is a third generation builder.
The company has a vast experience in all areas of construction.