Castleisland Family Resource Centre in association with Kerry ETB will deliver a course aimed at the parents of young children.
It will commence on Monday, September 23rd from 7pm-9pm and will run for six weeks.
Art classes in association with Kerry ETB will re commence on Tuesday, September 17th from 2.15pm-4.15pm and only only two places remain.
A 40 Plus Social Group for women will commence in Castleisland FRC on Tuesday, September 24th. The group will meet each Tuesday from 7pm – 8.45. All Welcome.
The ladies craft group will recommence on Tuesday October 1st at 7.30pm. All welcome.
Nutrition and Fitness Course
On Wednesday September 18th a Nutrition and Fitness course commences which will be delivered by Kerry ETB.
On completion course participants will be able to:
Describe the concepts underpinning a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, physical activity, and stress management; Demonstrate an understanding of the food pyramid, calorie intake, and the factors that affect calorie intake; Identify the benefits of good eating practices on a healthy, stress-free life; Demonstrate an understanding of physical fitness, including the factors that affect fitness, its components, and the mental and physical benefits of physical activities; Demonstrate knowledge of the safety factors that must be considered when taking part in physical activities, including warming up and cooling down, and stretches for major muscles; Demonstrate a basic understanding of stress, the common factors that cause stress, and methods of managing stress; Outline the effects of smoking and substance abuse on physical and mental health; Maintain a lifestyle diary, recording food intake, physical activity, and stressors; Design a balanced meal.. Demonstrate exercises that incorporate the components of Fitness Skills Demonstration; Reflect on own personal life style practices, including changes made as a result of new learning; Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a health and fitness environment;
The course runs from 10am – 12 noon each Wednesday.
To book any of the above courses/classes please phone or text 087 75 53 066 Monday to Thursday or email Liz.Galwey@svp.ie