In the second of our featured photographers from Castleisland Camera Club we publish the work of Pat Hartnett.
The photographers are being featured in the order in which they sent in their images and cupla focal for inclusion here.
We’ll include one each week up to the time of the club’s annual exhibition and sale of work here in Castleisland in December.
Club Founder Member
Pat Hartnett is a founder member of Castleisland Camera Club and is credited by the club’s PRO, Breda McGaley as the originator of the idea.
Pat is a sales representative for Weathermaster Kerry.
Outlet for Amateur Photographers
“The camera club is a great outlet for amateur photographers and there’s lots to learn and ideas to share,” said Pat of his involvement.
“There is a great social side to it with fun and enjoyment for everyone especially during outings and meetings.
Favourite Type of Photos
“It gives everyone the opportunity to promote their town and community and meet new friends.
“My favourite type of photos are nature and scenery.
“I have no major photographic ambitions and I’m quite happy to snap away and learn a little as I go along add thrown in a few laughs as well,” said Pat.
Copyright Laws
Please be aware that the photographers being featured are the copyright holders of the works reproduced on The Maine Valley Post and are covered by existing copyright laws.