Going to the Well for Water with Máire O’Keeffe

First Night Finale: PJ Teahan joins Billy Clifford and Bryan O’Leary for the final tunes of the opening night of the 2019 series of Handed Down at Scartaglin Heritage Centre. ©Photograph: John Reidy 19-10-2019

On the coming Saturday night, November 9th., musician, music historian and former RTÉ Radio One presenter, Máire O’Keeffe will return to the stage of the Scartaglin Heritage Centre for programme two, series six of Handed Down at 8pm.

Going to the Well

Going to the Well for Water is the first tune Máire ever learned and she will share her own story with us on the night,” said PJ Teahan – a founding member of the evolving Handed Down.

“One of Co. Kerry’s finest fiddle players with a wealth of memories of the county to share on the night,” PJ continued.

“Included will be the story of the finding a long lost cassette of a night playing in New York in1995 with Johnny O’Leary and a flute playing nephew of Denis Murphy called Andy Horan.
“Expect more rare treasures from Máire’s collection on the night including the famous Cibeal Festival held in Kenmare during the eighties,” said PJ.

Special Guests
Special guests on the night are: A group of young musicians from Kilcummin and Scartaglin; a group from  Kileedy/ Ashford / Castlemahon in Co Limerick; Kealan O’Connor from Beaufort; Singer Bríd O’Shea from Currow accompanied by her brother and double All-Ireland winner, Micheál; Currow’s Mick Culloty and Rhona O’Driscoll from Kenmare and Con Herbert, Kileedy.

In explaining the esscence of the Handed Down concept PJ keeps it short and simple:

Mixing Old and New

“We’re mixing the old and the new, the young and the bold and that’s the secret of Handed Down. “For an experement that was supposed to last a year or so we’re now into our sixth season and it would be criminal of us to stop now as we have great support and loyalty from our ever increasing audiences.

“That’s very special to us and we’d like to think that we know what our audiences appreciate by now.

“Our trip and tunes up the village with our guests after each performance at the centre is our way of throwing a few coins in the hat of rural Ireland.

Corneilus O’Sullivan Added

“And, thanks again to our friends here at home and all over the world, we can now add the name of Corneilus O’Sullivan to the lore of Kerry’s great musicians when the history of Sliabh Luachra music is updated.

PJ and his team invited Bryan O’Leary to present the findings and he delivered a humorous and detailed account of this fine fiddle player at the opening night of this season on Saturday night, October 19th.

Tapes in the Attic in Lisheen
“The generous donation of an old shoebox of old tapes from the attic in Lisheen has given the Sliabh Luachra music lovers some great treasures which will be shared between now and April in Scartaglin.

“One of the regular highlights of Handed Down is the easy and relaxed atmosphere where young and old mix and play both during and after the presentation.

“Scartaglin enjoyed some great music on that Saturday night and all the work is justified when you hear the audience laughing, crying and reacting to what’s on offer on any given night.

“A particular highlight on that Saturday night was a slow air tribute to the late Anne Keane by Bryan and a polka from his own gift titled: ‘Dance your way to Heaven,” PJ concluded.