Castleisland Camera Club Feature No. 9 – Mairead O’Keeffe






















In the ninth of our featured photographers from Castleisland Camera Club we publish the work of Mairead O’Keeffe from Currow.

Mairead joined the club in March, 2017 and she has had an interest in photography since she was a child and has said that the formation of the club was music to her ears.
She put her impressions of club involvement in the following:
“I’m always looking for my next photo. Photography is something that I’m real passionate about and get such satisfaction from it.

“It’s something that has led me to some beautiful places and has really opened my eyes to the beauty around us that goes unnoticed by so many.
Long May it Continue
“The club is great way to form friendships with like minded people to share ideas, photographs, learn from each other and go on outings. Long may it continue!

“I love landscape photography and sunrise, sunsets, scenery, flowers, people etc. 

 “I would love to learn more about photography and maybe progress into it a little bit more to live my dream,” said Mairead.

Photographers in Order

The photographers are being featured in the order in which they sent in their images and biographies for inclusion here.

Because we’re as good as up against Saturday’s annual exhibition and sale of work at the Ivy Leaf Art Centre at 8pm., the four remaining club members’ work will be included over the next couple of days.

Yet to Come…

They will appear in the following order: David Browne, Nora Fealey, Ann Bergin and Fiona Hickey.

Copyright Laws

Please be aware that the photographers being featured are the copyright holders of the works reproduced on The Maine Valley Post and are covered by existing copyright laws.