The GOAL Mile on Christmas morning has become a well established tradition in Castleisland since its first outing here in 1999.
The 2019 event will be held from 10am to 12 noon.
It has also become a great occasion for people to meet old friends and neighbours while home for the holiday period.
Over €2,786 Raised in 2018
The event raised €2,786.40 last year for the nominated charities then and organiser in chief, Denis Brosnan made his annual phone call to alert people of the general locality to the cause.
The concept was borrowed in by Denis along with Joe Walsh, Pats Broderick and the late Anthony Cronin and Peter Rogers as the track was being developed and the pavilion a mere aspiration those two decades ago.
A Glass or Two of Hot Port
The tradition also includes the downing of a glass or two of hot port – if you’re not driving.
People are asked to drop in at anytime between the designated hours, make a donation in the box at the reception area.
Laps of the Track
If they wish they are encouraged to do their few laps of the track, mix and chat if they wish and head off home in the knowledge that they will have made a difference to someone’s circumstances somewhere.
This year the funds will go towards GOAL’s Syrian Refugee Children’s Fund and two local charities namely: St. John of God /Oileán Beó Craft Co-Op which is based at An Ríocht AC and Castleisland Day Care Centre.
United Nations Report
A United Nations report on the plight of children in conflict and under siege areas of Syria will explain the constant threats to the well-being and the very lives of these unfortunate children.
You can click on the link here to find out more: