Sinn Féin General Election candidate for Kerry, Cllr Pa Daly, last night called on the general manager of University Hospital Kerry to confirm, or otherwise, reports that the medical assessment unit and all but a handful of beds in the day ward will close.
Staff Informed of Closure
Cllr Daly said that he has received reports that staff were informed of the news today.
“I have received disturbing reports that staff at University Hospital Kerry were today informed that the Medical Assessment Unit and all but six beds in the day ward are to close,” said Cllr. Daly.
Ongoing Crisis in A&E
“If these reports are accurate, and I hope that they are not, then the ongoing crisis in the Accident and Emergency Unit will get even worse. And closing any beds in the Day Ward will just add to already massive waiting lists at our hospital.
“We have written to the general manager asking him to confirm, or otherwise, if there is any basis to these reports,”Cllr. Daly concluded.