Buy the Book – MacNamee Award for The Story of Brosna GAA

The authors: Anne (left) and Carl Nash with Mary Scanlon and Mary Kiely with the poster for their creation, The Story of Brosna GAA before its launch last July. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Brosna GAA Club PRO, Mariéad Moriarty with all the news from the club and parish.

What an achievement for our club.  The amazing book that is The Story of Brosna GAA has just won the MacNamee Award for Best Club Publication 2019.

Seeing off very strong competition from many other clubs across the country, our incredible book ended up taking the top prize.

Anne, Carl and the Two Marys

Congratulations to the wonderful writers Anne and Carl Nash, Mary Kiely and Mary Scanlon who have received the highest acknowledgement for their great efforts in bringing this book into being. A copy of the book is available for purchase from Brosna Post Office or via any officer of the club.

Well Done Brosna

It’s a pleasure to see how observant everyone is in the Parish of the recent lock-down measures.

I am sure it’s a good reflection of what’s going on in all parishes up and down the country – everyone doing his or her part.

Don’t forget, every day we are a step closer to this ordeal being over. Stay strong!

Life Goes On

We may feel that we are living in a kind of limbo unsure of what’s to come.

A really important step to counteract this feeling of powerlessness is to have a definite set of goals – however small – each day.

As part of this, the County Clean Up that was scheduled for last weekend can still happen on an individual basis.

Just call to James McAuliffe in The Square who will, Safely, provide you with bags and pickers.

James has set out various parish routes over which you can take your daily 2km walk while participating in the clean up.

A wonderful chance to stay fit and give back to our great parish.

GAA Pitch Closed

The pitch, running track, grounds and handball alley are all closed to the public for the time being.

This directive isn’t stopping our club members keeping their fitness levels up.

I am glad to report that many of our footballers are out alone cycling, running, walking and participating in online fitness challenges.

I expect to see a really fit and strong team re-emerge from its period of enforced hibernation and sobriety!

Back to School at Brosna N.S.

Brosna NS is taking registrations for the new school year online.

No doubt by September, your little chicks will be ready to leave the nest and embark on their education.

Contact Scoil Mhuire, Brosna National School on: