Community and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises in Kerry should apply for funding under the €35 million COVID-19 Stability Fund, urged local Fine Gael Councillor, Bobby O’Connell.
“Following last Friday’s announcement of a €40 million funding package for the sector, applications are now being invited from now for the €35 million stability fund,” said Cllr. O’Connell.
“The funding will be prioritised for those organisations which are most in need and have seen their trading and / or fundraising income drop significantly during the crisis.
“The fund will provide immediate, short-term cash flow to qualifying organisations which provide critical services to those most vulnerable in society and allow them to maintain their valuable services.
Inspiring Community Response
“As a society we depend greatly on these organisations and I would like to thank them for their
contribution to the inspiring community response to the current crisis in Kerry.
“The funding for this initiative will be provided from the Dormant Accounts Fund and will provide a once-off grant to qualifying organisations,” Cllr. O’Connell continued.
“The fund will focus on organisations providing supports and services in the following sectors:
● Health and Social Care – including addiction, disability and mental health;
● Child and Family Services – including counselling / therapies;
● Domestic/Sexual/Gender based violence;
● Housing/Homelessness;
● Community Services such as meals on wheels / befriending services / old age supports / vulnerable people’s support groups etc and the Community Education Sector.
Application Open for Ten Days
“The application process for the Stability Fund is straightforward. It will be open for a period of ten days in order to facilitate organisations wishing to be considered for funding.
A link to the application process can be found on the Department of Rural and Community Development’s website.
“Pobal has prepared full, additional information regarding the application process and this can also be found through the link.
Groups Urged to ‘Fully Engage’
“I would encourage all eligible charities, social enterprises and community and voluntary organisations here in Kerry to fully engage with the application process and contact Pobal at if you have any queries,said Cllr. O’Connell.
Minister Michael Ring
Meanwhile, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring said that organisations will be required to demonstrate the impact that the crisis has had on their services and applications will be prioritised according to need.
“Pobal, which works on behalf of the Government to support communities and local agencies toward achieving social inclusion and development, will administer the Stability Fund on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development,” said Minister Ring.
Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2020
This new funding is being provided in addition to more than €45 million in funding announced last November for the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2020.
This plan allocated funding for 43 separate measures to be delivered across nine Government Departments to benefit disadvantaged groups.
All of the details can be found on both the Department’s website and the Pobal website: