Remote Teaching gets Pres Castleisland Students and Families Animated

Presentation Castleisland second year student, Orlaith Buckley from Abbeyfeale with the elephant she made for her animation out of recycled materials from home and her phone which she used the ‘Stop Motion Studio’ app to create it.

Since remote teaching came into play in March the Art Department in Presentation Secondary School Castleisland has developed new and exciting ways of adapting Art Education to the contemporary climate.

Presentation Art students have embraced the technological world that students have found themselves in by undergoing a workshop in Stop Motion Animation.

Photographs to Videos

Stop Motion is a form of animation that uses photographs to make a short movie. Preparation for this project began during the Easter break when first year students were asked to make a ‘character’ for their animation – a robot using only recyclable materials from their homes.

Second Year students were challenged to make an animal of their choice from recyclable materials. During online and live Art classes over the next two weeks Katie O’Reilly, art teacher taught the students how to make their character move and interact using their imaginations, with assistance from an app called ‘Stop Motion Studio’.

Hard and Fantastic Work

“Students put a fantastic amount of hard work and effort into their finished animated movies even inventing sound effects to compliment the motions,” said Ms. O’Reilly.

“In some cases, other family members and even pets got involved. One first year student had her robot driving a car! An amazing achievement.

“Presentation Secondary teachers are extremely proud of how their students have adapted to their new learning environment,” Ms. O’Reilly admitted.

She also advised us that it’s well worth checking out the school’s twitter and Facebook pages to view the finished animations.

You can see the work of the teacher inspired students with a click on the link here: