Good morning John, can you please put up a gentle, anonymous reminder to the lovely dog owners of Castleisland to please pick up after the dogs.
“I have seen loads of places supplying the bags for this purpose free of charge in the area,” said the worried mom.
“Is it really too much to ask that they keep the river walk clean by picking up what their dogs leave there?
Footpath Completely Destroyed
“The path entering the An Ríocht side is completely destroyed to the point I need to push a buggy on the road!
“For older children who could step on it or fall into it I feel this is a disgrace
“There are crèches, schools, parks, and we’re all stuck within the 5k limit mark and should this not be a safe zone for children to get some fresh air and exercise? Thank you.
To find out more about the dangers posed by dog droppings have a look at the article with a click on the link here: