The next meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Castleisland/Corca Dhuibhne will be held in the Pobalscoil Corca Dhuibhne today July 15th. at 10am
The notices of motion under several different headings include the following relevant to the general Castleisland area.
Among his busy list of submissions, Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald asks if Kerry County Council should consider the reopening of the Public Waste Amenity Site at Muingnaminnane because of the fantastic affordable service it provided for people disposing of household equipment, metal, plastics, paints, for example.
The facility is in Cllr. Fitzgerald’s own neighbourhood and it would be a gift to the people in this general area if in was re-opened as a recycling base only.
The full scale operation at Muingaminane attracted bitter opposition from locals in the spring of 2001 but a well managed recycling only facility should be a different matter altogether and a step in the right, green policy direction.
The Running Order for Today’s Meeting
1. Cllr. Bobby O’Connell: That Kerry County Council introduce times where playgrounds will be reserved for use by children with additional needs and disabilities at designated times.
2. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: I am calling on Kerry County Council to review the standards by which it awards grants through The Community Support Fund. Many organisations have had events cancelled or postponed but nevertheless can redirect funds within their organisation and put same to very good use.
4. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: The Government announced a three months rates waiver for businesses affected by Covid-19, what measure is being put in place to reimburse businesses who have already paid their rates for 2020.
5. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That our Broadband Officer would seek an update from the National Broadband team in relation to the implementation of the National Broadband Plan in this Municipal District and County Kerry.
6. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: With the importance of promoting tourism and staycations due to travel restrictions that Kerry County Council Tourism Office develop a series of two to three-day staycation walk loops incorporating the villages along and close to the Dingle Way in the Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD.
7. Clir. Breandán Fitzgerald: Due to the Covid-19 restrictions and reduced indoor seating capabilities any business that wants to put seating instead of parking directly outside their premises be allowed to for the months of July and August.
3. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: Has the management of this Municipal District identified a funding stream in which they will apply for the redevelopment of the Glounsharoon Viewing Area?
4. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: When will Kerry County Council pay out the money from the Community Support Fund that was allocated to groups?
5. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: With the restrictions on Tidy Town Groups and Council activities these last few months could a Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD day or days be created where Voluntary Groups and Castleisland Corca Dhuibhne Council could co-ordinate a town and village clean while observing social distancing in the MD?
7. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: How many businesses in the Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD have applied for the Business Restart Grant and can we write to those businesses that have yet to apply informing them of the grant and the closing date for which to make an application?
Water, Environment, Fire and Library Services Directorate
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can the quality of water being delivered to the Rathanny area be investigated and improved? There is a large number of residents in the area raising the issue of ‘brown’ and ‘undrinkable’ water in the pipes on a more and more frequent basis.
2. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can Kerry County Council work to reopen the Public Waste Amenity Site at Muingnaminnane on the L-2015. This facility closed a number of years ago despite it giving a fantastic affordable service for people disposing of household equipment, metal, plastics, paints, for example.
4. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: Many of our cemeteries in the Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD need immediate maintenance attention due to lockdown restrictions on maintenance works, can this work be prioritised?
5. Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: What is the update on the effluent flowing in the open drain in Bawnnaglanna, Currow and has the underground pipe been cleared at the same location?
4. Housing
4. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: With the high amount of single applications for one bedroom housing on the housing list long-term in the Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD we write to the Minister for Housing requesting that this issue be addressed immediately.
1. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: What is the update on the reconstruction of the wall at the front of Cois hAbhainn in Brosna? I raised this at a previous meeting.
2.Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: Can the shed in Caislean Mór finally be moved? It is the source of Anti-Social behaviour, Kerry County Council has agreed to move it, the residents have stated where they want it moved to, so it simply be moved as a matter of urgency, I have raised this at prior meetings.
Roads, Transportation & Marine Directorate
1. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: That Kerry County Council place a pipe along the deep drain on the L-7012-0 as it approaches the L-3002. This road is narrow, on a steep incline and with little room for vehicles to pull in off the road to allow for passing traffic. Several vehicles have had to be removed from the drain/dyke by teleporters etc. in the recent past. The problem is getting worse as each winter deepens the drain/dyke,
2. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: That Kerry County Council call on the TII to announce its plans for increased safety measures in relation to the N21 at Glounsharoon and at the turn to Meenleitrim. There have been a number of fatalities along this stretch of road over the years.
A delegation from Kerry County Council met with the Tll earlier this year and it is now time that plans were announced for this dangerous stretch of road with a timeframe and costings for delivery of same.
3. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: in 2014 and 2016 Kerry County Council received €202,520, €144,000 in 2014 and €58,520 for works for raising of retaining wall, culvert replacement at Tullig, storm water drainage pipe at Kilbannivane and associated works.
I am calling on Kerry County Council to review and examine these with a view to carrying out further works to reduce the risk of flooding in the area.
6. Cllr Charlie Farrelly: That the Kerry County Council Enforcement Officer for our Municipal District would get the trees that are hanging over the road in Glounthane, Cordal cut.
1. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can a Warning ‘Children at Play’ sign be erected upon entering the L-10597-0 at Reamore in Kielduff. This Cul-de-Sac has a large number of houses with young children in the vicinity and a warning sign would do much to alleviate the danger.
2. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can the L-2023-0 have the dangerous dips on it at the northern end repaired? This road whilst in the Castleisland / Corca Dhuibhne MD is maintained by the Tralee MD Road Engineers. The road is in poor condition but if the dips in it were repaired it would make make it passable for the near future.
6. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: Is there any update on the proposed footpath from Farranfore Village to the medical centre and what is the estimated cost of this project?
7. Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: What is the update on the flashing light at Castleview, Castleisland?
8. Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: What’s the update on the meeting between the residents of Currans and the County Board of the GAA which the MD Engineer was to request.
6. Motions / Questions relevant to other Directorates or issues not relevant to Kerry County Council Business
Notices of Motion
1. Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: To call on Ordnance Survey Ireland to review the GPS System in Ireland with a view to directing travellers and drivers in Kerry to safer routes when touring Kerry etc. Anecdotal evidence suggests that tourists and visitors to the county are being directed to ‘faster routes’ to destinations but that these are more dangerous and more risky routes for visitors.
2. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: To call on the Minister for Health and the Government to introduce rapid Covid-19 testing for all visitors coming to Ireland through our Airports and Ports and to give clarity around air travel, families in our county have been left financially devastated by the impact of Covid-19 as airlines will not refund them.
3. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That Kerry County Council would write to the Minister for Transport and the RSA seeking them to increase the capacity for the Theory Test and for Driving Tests in light of the backlog following the suspension of services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
4. Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That Kerry County Council would introduce live streaming of all full council and Municipal District meetings.
5. Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald: That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD write to the Minister for Finance asking that seasonal businesses which were closed at the start of the year be treated the same as businesses that were open before Covid-19 and allow them use the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme as they are now being unfairly treated and not receiving State assistance to meet employee wages even though they are severely impacted in their ability to trade by Covid-19 restrictions.