Mass Times Schedule as Church Reopens
The church is now fully reopened and will seat 50 in the body of the church, 42 in one side aisle and 39 in the other and face coverings are mandatory.
By:Marian Harnett
All masses will be stewarded and the church will be fully sanitised after each mass. Mass on Monday at 7pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am except if there is a funeral then mass which will be private will be at 11am.
Mass on Saturday morning at 11am. There will be a vigil mass on Saturday evening at 6.30pm and Sunday masses at 10am and 12 noon.
Confessions on Saturday after 11am mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
If the church is full then people are welcome to park on the grotto side of the car park as mass is broadcast there on loudspeakers and holy communion will be distributed at the grotto by a Minister for the Eucharist.
Are You Planning to Get Married Shortly
For those who are getting married in the next few months and due to the current restrictions, please send an email to info@accord.ie, to find out the current procedures and to book your pre-marriage course as soon as possible.
Adult Education Classes To Recommence
Classes starting shortly for the Autumn. Contact Tech in Mountmahon on 068 31198.
Become a Biodiversity Leader in Your Community
We are now taking applications for an online training programme to help you become a Biodiversity Leader in your community.
The training is free of charge and will be held as a series of webinars taking place on Wednesday evenings, beginning September 16, and running for eleven weeks.
A certificate will be awarded to each participant who completes 75% or more of the course.
Three trainers will cover different aspects of Biodiversity. Places are limited to 30 and participants will need access to internet and a smart phone or laptop. Due to Covid-19 the entire course will be held online through Zoom and assistance can be given to show participants how to link in.
For further enquiries or application form please email Fran at biodiversityleader@gmail.com
A Complaint to Eir
Forget about ringing, send an email to eir.ie/complaints. If you receive no reply over five days then email comreg.ie
Helga is Back in The Square
She has a fine selection of locally grown vegetables which are chemical free.
Maureen’s Masks on Sale
Maureen Hickey will have a stall on The Square selling face masks for the next couple of weeks.
Wearing of a face mask in enclosed spaces is now mandatory. You are also reminded to wash your hands for 20 seconds frequently and to observe social distancing.