An initiative that will provide older people with a phone call service to check on their well-being, particularly during the Covid-19 outbreak, has been launched and is to be piloted for a period in the Sliabh Luachra area.
The service is being provided by Sliabh Luachra Active Retired in conjunction with the HSE, NEWKD, Island Crown Community Group Ltd., Local Link Kerry and Lyreacrompane Community Development.
Piloted in Sliabh Luachra Area
The service, Kerry’s Call, which will initially be piloted in the Sliabh Luachra Area aims to provide security and friendship to older people who may live alone or feel isolated or vulnerable at this time.
The initiative will also assist participants in accessing essential items such as food, laundry and grocery delivery at this time.
Three Days Per Week
“The service will operate three days per week on: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and a team of friendly callers will be on hand to chat to members of the community who may need a call.
This is a free service,” said Dolores McElligott, Community Worker, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare.
A Welcome Development
Scartaglen resident, Julianne O’Connor of the Sliabh Luachra Active Retired Network described the project as a welcome development in times of social distancing and restrictions.
“Restrictions on social interactions and self-isolation can be a really lonely time for all members of the public, but it’s important that we recognise the impact this can have on older people.
Kerry’s Call allows people to continue communicating and interacting in a safe manner. That one check-in for people can make a huge difference to a person’s day; just knowing someone is thinking of them and looking out for them,” said Julianne.
Older People Must Be Protected
Michael Fitzgerald, Chief Officer of Cork Kerry Community Health Services has also welcomed the initiative and he believes that older people are most vulnerable to Covid-19 and that they must be protected.
“However, for many, this can lead to loneliness and isolation with very little contact with family or friends.
“This service will help provide people with the companionship and support they deserve in their older years.
“It will help to reduce loneliness and will allow older people to access advice and local support services in a safe and confidential manner,” said Mr. Fitzgerald.
Contact Information
For more information on the Kerry’s Call service, contact Julianne on 087 91 26 184 or email: kerryscall@gmail.com
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