All is Calm, All is Quiet. It’s unrecognisably quieter than it should be, quieter than any generation of people who ever walked these streets found it, quieter than anyone of us here now could have imagined it could become and it’s as quiet as so many other towns and villages in so many parts of the world are as we face into this unique and, hopefully, once-off Christmas.
The advice on hygiene and distancing is the same as it was last March when this sense of quiet first descended on us.
Renewed Sense of Appreciation
The hope is that if we persevere with it, we will greet all the things we took so much for granted with open arms and with a renewed sense of appreciation.
There’s nothing wrong with admitting that we’re afraid of this bloody thing and we have every reason to be and we’re right to take responsibility for our own well-being regardless of what others choose to do or say.
The Loaded Words: Stay Safe
Two simple but loaded words can guide us through this and to where we want to get to – Stay Safe.
The final line of Brendan Kennelly’s poem Begin are apt in the situation we find ourselves surrounded with.
Though we live in a world that dreams of ending
that always seems about to give in
something that will not acknowledge conclusion
insists that we forever begin.
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