Christmas may not be the same this year but Castleisland Day Care Centre remains in Santa’s good books with a visit from the man himself to the centre.
This year is very different from any other but as with all other organisations the centre continues to try to bring Christmas cheer to our clients.
“Santa normally attends our end of year Christmas parties where we usually have a fun filled afternoon with live music and Santa singing and jiving to get everyone in the festive mood,” said Nurse Manager Marcella Finn.
For the Young at Heart
“This year Santa’s Elves have been busy putting together food hampers for each of our day care clients and our meals-on-wheels service users.
“There was great excitement when the elderly of Castleisland realised that Santa really does exist not only for the young but also for the young at heart when the man himself visited them.
“With strict Covid 19 guidelines being adhered to Santa took time out of his busy schedule to personally deliver food hampers to people’s doors on Thursday last,” said Marcella.
Dwell on the Positives
“When we reflect on the past year we will undoubtedly remember the lock-down, cocooning and social distancing but we should also look at all the positives which came to the fore during this difficult year.
“Family, friends, volunteerism, nature and for many of us a deeper spirituality. We can all look forward to 2021 with anticipation of a better year to come and we are particularly looking forward to the reopening of our day care services when it is deemed safe to do so.
Good News from CLÁR
“We have recently received some good news with confirmation from CLÁR that Castleisland Day Care Centre will receive funding towards a wheelchair accessible bus.
“This vehicle will give the centre a huge boost in 2021 by providing safe accessible transport for those that need it most and by enhancing our existing services.
“Castleisland Day Care Centre would like to wish all our clients and their families a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to continuing to serve the people of Castleisland in 2021,” said Marcella in conclusion.
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