Cancellation of KDYS/Garda Good Friday Basketball Blitz 2021

Launching the call for teams for the 2019 and last, for now, KDYS/Garda Síochána Good Friday Basketball Blitz were: Colin Downey (front); Clodagh O’Connor (left) with: Patryck Michno, Nikodem Niewadomski, Helena Falvey, KDYS; John Paul O’Brien, Amber McGaley and Tim Nolan, KDYS. ©Photograph: John Reidy 28-3-2019

A note from Kerry Diocesan Youth Service Youth (KDYS) Justice Worker, Helena Falvey informs all its players and volunteers of the cancellation of the annual Good Friday Basketball Blitz.

“Unfortunately due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic we have had to cancel this year’s KDYS/Garda Good Friday Basketball Blitz that would have been played on April 2nd.

“I am emailing if you would kindly put a notice in The Maine Valley Post to let people know of its cancellation and that we hope to be up and running again next year,” said Ms. Falvey with regret and a note of hope.

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