Pa Daly, Sinn Féin TD for Kerry, has called for any review of lock-down measures and regulations to take evidence of transmission in County Kerry into account, in advance of April 5th.
“It is now twelve months since the first lock-down.
National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) and the Health Service Executive (HSE) have been able to gather huge amounts of data to inform decision making about the next steps we take.
“Having gone into Level 5 right after Christmas, it is hard to contemplate that we may see April 5th come and go with the country still in Level 5.
Huge Burden on People
“This has placed a huge burden on people who cannot move more than 5k from home and it is difficult to expect our children to engage in the same, repetitive outdoor activity day after day.
“Medical professionals and public health experts have told me that we should be encouraging people to go outdoors and enjoy the improved weather.
“We have evidence that demonstrates the risk of infection from Covid-19 is nineteen times lower when outdoors.
A Will to Help People
“I am therefore calling on NPHET and the government to review all the measures and regulations with a real will to help people and families who need to travel further than 5km to engage in meaningful outdoor activity.
“I would like to see NPHET pay particular attention to outdoor construction, outdoor activities and training, particularly for under age sports, and a relaxation of the 5km rule in Kerry. Church services, which were organised to a very high standard, should also be considered in the light of any evidence as to whether cases of Covid-19 arose from them taking place.
Indications Needed
“It is increasingly clear that people are under significant strain. They have been complying with the regulations but see no light at the end of the tunnel, all the while struggling to continue to pay their mortgages and utility bills during this time.
“People need some indication and indeed confidence, with the most vulnerable having been vaccinated, that our strategy is taking us in the right direction.”
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