Announcement of Mental Health Small Grants Scheme Welcome – Cllr. O’Connell

Cllr. Bobby O’Connell welcomed the grant aid to the groups around the locality. ©Photograph: John Reidy

Cllr. Bobby O’Connell has welcomed the money announced for the Castleisland and Corca Dhuibhne Municipal District under the Healthy Kerry Community Wellbeing Initiative.

The Community and Tourism Department is responsible for the administration of the Community Mental Health Small Grants Scheme, funded through Healthy Ireland.

24 Applications Received

This grant scheme was publicly advertised recently and 24 applications were received.

An initial assessment was carried out by the community  department.

As per the scheme guideline the Healthy Kerry committee also assessed the applications and selected ten groups to pilot the Healthy Kerry Community Wellbeing Initiative from April to October 2021 with support from the Community Mental Health Small Grants Scheme.

Tackling Loneliness and Isolation

The Community Mental Health Small Grants Scheme was allocated as in the graph.

The projects were selected as they align with the high-level goals of the Healthy Kerry Framework, the mental health theme of the Healthy Ireland Fund.

This seeks to improve community mental health and wellbeing and tackle loneliness and isolation in Kerry. 

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