Kerry County Council has now published details of the Outdoor Dining Grant Scheme which it will administer on behalf of Fáilte Ireland. All required details can be found on the website link at the end of this article.
The scheme is open to attractions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, public houses or other tourism and hospitality business establishments where food is sold for consumption on the premises.
Town Centre Dining Equipment
The focus of the Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Business Scheme is to provide a level of financial support to tourism and hospitality businesses, in our town centres, to purchase or upgrade equipment to provide additional outdoor seating and, therefore, increase their outdoor dining capacity for the summer of 2021.
This scheme will financially assist and support independent tourism and hospitality business owners to create outdoor dining experiences in a regulated and accessible manner. Funding under the scheme is only available to existing businesses.
Scheme Open Now to September
The Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Business Scheme opened for applications on the 12th April 2021 and closes on the 30th September 2021.
The scheme is open to attractions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, public houses or other tourism and hospitality business establishments where food is sold for consumption on the premises.
All applicants will be required to comply with planning codes, legislative requirements and other compliance requirements.
Grants of €4,000
Applicants can apply for a grant of up to €4,000 – for up to 75% of the ex-VAT cost of equipment purchased.
Eligible expenditure includes: Outdoor tables, chairs and umbrellas, electric heaters, screens and windbreaks, plant stands and wooden platforms.
Expenditure must be incurred between 1st April 2020 (last year) and 30th September 2021.
Receipts and Photographs
Applicants must submit receipts and photographs of the furniture in situ.
If the outdoor furniture is to be located on a public road or footpath, a Street Furniture License is required and an application must be submitted under Section 254 of the Planning & Development Act 2000.
The Street Furniture License Application must be approved and a License issued to the applicant first, and submitted along with the Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Business Scheme application form in order to apply for the Grant.
If the License is refused, the applicant will not be eligible for the grant. And for more information on the scheme you can click on the link here:
The application form including the General Terms and Conditions of the Scheme can be downloaded here.
The Street Furniture License (Section 254) Application can be downloaded here.
And for more information on the scheme you can click on the link here: https://www.kerrycoco.ie/outdoor-dining-enhancement-scheme/
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