Further Walk-in Vaccination Clinics Planned for Kerry this Weekend

A no appointment necessary, walk-in vaccination facility will be available on Sunday morning at Kerry Sports Academy (above) and at the Killarney Sports and Leisure Centre. 

Walk-in vaccination clinics will again be available in Kerry in the week ahead, as the last phase of the vaccination roll-out in the county continues.

Anyone eligible for a Pfizer BioNtech vaccine can receive a first or second dose without an appointment at either the Tralee or Killarney centres next Sunday morning, between 9.15am and 10.15am.

The Tralee centre is at Kerry Sports Academy and the Killarney centre is at Killarney Sports and Leisure.

Meanwhile, evening walk-in clinics will run at both Kerry vaccination centres next week, on Wednesday September 1st and Thursday September 2nd, from 4pm to 8pm.

The full list of times and dates are:

Sunday, August 29th, 9.15am to 10.15am at both Tralee and Killarney centres. Wednesday September 1st, 4pm to 8pm at both centres.

Thursday September 2nd, 4pm to 8pm at both centres.

Eligible People Over 12 

The walk-in vaccination clinics will be open to any eligible person aged 12 or over.

Anyone aged between 12 and 15 years must be accompanied by an adult and will need the consent of a parent or guardian before vaccination.

Check hse.ie 

Those attending for either a first or second dose should check hse.ie to make sure they are eligible and that they bring all necessary documentation eg those hoping to receive a second dose should bring proof of their first dose vaccination (eg your vaccination card) and photo ID.

For anyone waiting for a second dose, it does not matter where you received your first dose – in other words, if you received your first dose with your GP, in a pharmacy or another vaccination centre, you can still attend.

Reassurance Provided

Peggy Horan, vaccination project lead with Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, said the team at both vaccination centres are looking forward to welcoming people to the walk-in clinics, and will be available to give any reassurance needed about the vaccination process.

We hope that the later walk-in clinics, running until 8pm, will be useful to people leaving work who may not have been in a position to attend previous walk-in clinics in the county.

We’d encourage employers to share the details of the upcoming clinics in both Killarney and Tralee with their staff.

They may also suit people leaving secondary school, either young people or their parents. We really hope that these clinics will encourage anyone still considering getting their vaccine to come along, walk-in and get their vaccine in a safe setting, with a warm welcome from our friendly staff,” said Ms. Horan.

HSE Update:  

Please note the walk-in testing in Killarney has been extended and will be available from 11am to 7pm today, Thursday August 26th and Friday August 27th.

The testing site is located on the grounds of Killarney Community Hospital, Saint Margaret’s Road, full details are above in the original statement.It will also take referrals from GPs.

In addition to walk-ins, the centre will also accept appointments made by the public on hse.ie at this page: https://covid19test.healthservice.ie/hse-self-referral/

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