It’s Just the Weather for Feeding and Watching the Birds

Star-ling-Wars – A Tryptic of Territorial Trouble over an offering of fat-balls in Castleisland – serving as a reminder to feed the birds through the current spell of cold weather. ©Photograph: John Reidy 5-1-2022

Thankfully, there are more people thinking of and feeding their visiting garden birds these days and equally thankfully the supply and variety of foods and containers is growing apace.

There are people who swear by the peaceful easy feeling which comes over them while watching their feathery friends alighting, nibbling and flying away and often getting into a bit of a territorial scrap.

The BirdWatch Ireland website provides the best information on what and how to feed the birds and also where and how to hang containers.

Bird Food and Holders

Browne’s Home, Agri and Builders’ Providers here in Castleisland stock a wide range of food stuffs and containers suitable for the different species.

It certainly won’t do you any harm to hang these were they can be seen from the window of your choice so that they can be topped up when empty and for the entertainment value alone.

Get a bird book and ask children if they can identify the birds visiting your feeding stations.

Scarcity of Gold-finches

There seems to be a real scarcity in the gold-finch population this year for some reason. I’ve seen only one at the feeders this winter so far.

It’s only a couple of seasons ago that there were small flocks of them at the feeders.

You’ll find out all you need to know about feeding the birds by visiting the BirdWatch Ireland site with a click here:

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