Rugby Stars Due at Palliative Care Dance

Rugby Stars Due at Palliative Care Dance

A Fundraising Dance in aid of the Palliative Care Unit at Kerry General Hospital will be held at the River Island Hotel, Castleisland on this Saturday night, April 18th from 9pm. Tickets are: €10 each and music is by J&K Country. There will be raffles and spotprizes. There’s a rumor that departing Munster Rugby star,…

NEKD No Longer on the Hunted List

NEKD No Longer on the Hunted List

They were harried and hunted to the point of extinction by Minister Phil Hogan’s ‘Putting People First’ reform document in the fall of 2012. The Hen Harrier had more protection in rural habitats than its human counterparts of the species known locally as the NEKD – or North & East Kerry Development.  However, unlike its feathered comparison,…

Michael on TV / Bernard on the Radio

Michael on TV / Bernard on the Radio

Two items, one each on TV and radio have come to my attention and I thought I’d let you know. First up is that Michael Healy Rae, TD will feature on The Late Late Show tonight and the other is that Bernard Collins will talk on the Frank Lewis Show on Radio Kerry in the…

Bernard’s Strength Shining Through Latest Post

Bernard’s Strength Shining Through Latest Post

It was Michael Healy Rae, TD who alerted me to this powerful post by our mutual friend, Bernard Collins this evening. I sought and was granted Bernard’s permission to print it here. Bernard is, as he would quickly tell you on an enquiry on his health, living with cancer and his post this evening shines a…

NEKD Funding Review by Department – “All Bullshit” – Mitchell

NEKD Funding Review by Department – “All Bullshit” – Mitchell

News that a funding issue involving North & East Kerry Development is under review by the Department of the Environment is likely to darken the mood of a meeting called for the River Island Hotel in Castleisland at 8pm this evening. Of course it’s not an agenda the NEKD would wish for – while reeling from…