Castleisland Railway Reminescenses from August 21-1960

Castleisland Railway Reminescenses from August 21-1960

Delving back through files on the long lost Castleisland Railway recently I found some photographs I’d forgotten about. One in particular stands out as I remember a copy of it came up for discussion one night in Brennan’s Bar. That copy hung on the wall of the bar which operated straight across the Killarney Road…

Memories of The Railway Yard and The Polo

Memories of The Railway Yard and The Polo

Many’s the time have I been asked if I had any photographs of activity in The Polo Grounds. This was the field of dreams for the population of the bottom-of-the-town and for the boys from the Killarney and Tralee roads in particular. It was a patch of ground of hardly an acre in total. But…