Promotional Video Launch for Castle Film Project

Promotional Video Launch for Castle Film Project

The River Island Hotel will be the venue on Friday night, June 2nd at 8:45pm for the launch of a Castleisland Castle Promotional Video project. Castleisland Castle was known in medieval times as ‘the Castle of the Island’ and t was described at the end of the 16th century as ‘A high monstrous castle, built…

Launch of Best Loved Poems: Favourite Poems from the South of Ireland

Launch of Best Loved Poems: Favourite Poems from the South of Ireland

Best Loved Poems: Favourite Poems from the South of Ireland is a wonderfully illustrated anthology, filled with moving, accessible poems which will delight the general reader as well as the poetry specialist. Its Kerry launch will be held in Woulfe’s Bookshop in Listowel from 2pm tomorrow, Saturday, November 19th. The event will be conducted by…

Book on the Vernacular Heritage of North and East Kerry Launched

Book on the Vernacular Heritage of North and East Kerry Launched

Mayor of Kerry Cllr. Pat McCarthy recently launched a book on the disappearing legacy of Kerry’s vernacular architecture. The launch took place at the County Library in Moyderwell, Tralee and the room full of attendees included many from Castleisland. Castleisland native and former Kerry County Council Conservation Officer, Eamon Fleming is the editor of The…

New Book on the Vernacular Heritage of North and East Kerry

New Book on the Vernacular Heritage of North and East Kerry

Mayor of Kerry Cllr. Pat McCarthy will launch a new book on the disappearing legacy of Kerry’s vernacular architecture. The launch will take place at the County Library in Moyderwell, Tralee on this Thursday night, March 10th at 7pm. Castleisland native and former Kerry County Council Conservation Officer, Eamon Fleming is the editor of The…