Week Long, Mid Summer Festival Planned for Castleisland

Week Long, Mid Summer Festival Planned for Castleisland

The annual general meeting of the Castleisland Racing Festival Committee was held during the week. In the course of the meeting it was revealed that this year’s races will take place on the Sunday of June 7th and this will also mark the start of a week-long mid summer festival culminating with the rescheduled St.…

Road Sweeper to Visit on Wednesday as Tidy Towns Judgement Day Looms

Road Sweeper to Visit on Wednesday as Tidy Towns Judgement Day Looms

The wonder that is the Kerry County Council Road Sweeper is coming to Castleisland this Wednesday and we are appealing to each and every resident and business to come out before then and sweep the footpath out to the channel so that the sweeper will collect the sweepings. The sweeper is not much good if…

Beneficiaries Decided at Castleisland Races AGM

Beneficiaries Decided at Castleisland Races AGM

The annual general meeting of Castleisland Horse and Pony Races Committee was held on Friday night. This year the beneficiaries will be Castleisland Social Club Senior Citizens €500; St. Ita’s and St. Joseph’s School, Tralee, €500 and the main beneficiary will the newly formed Castleisland Graveyard Committee which will look after the upkeep and maintenance…