Dromtrasna Challenge to Support the Miriam Joy Cancer Treatment Fund

Dromtrasna Challenge to Support the Miriam Joy Cancer Treatment Fund

The fifth annual Dromtrasna Challenge will take place on Saturday 20th October, starting at Dromtrasna National School, Abbeyfeale. The event offers a unique opportunity to all members of the community to get involved through a 2K Children’s Run; a 4K Walk/Run and 10K Run. There is something for everyone in this year’s event. After Party…

Miriam Joy Cancer Fund Raises €36,318 of €120,000 on Day One

Miriam Joy Cancer Fund Raises €36,318 of €120,000 on Day One

A local mother of two little boys is fighting for her life and both sides of her extended family have joined forces and launched an appeal through a ‘gofundme’ page to help pay for the new direction her treatment is taking her. At the time of going to press the initiative has raised €36,318 from…