John Brennan Appointed Desmonds Seniors’ Manager

John Brennan Appointed Desmonds Seniors’ Manager

John Brennan has been appointed as manager of the Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club senior football team for 2018. John has confirmed that Kieran O’Callaghan, Nelius Lyons, Martin O’Donoghue and Dan Kearney, as trainer, will be an integral part of his management team. Chairman, Jimmy O’Connell expressed his delight with the new management team and was…

Desmonds Juniors Going For League Title

Desmonds Juniors Going For League Title

Support for Desmonds in Junior Division 2 League Final The County Junior Division 2 League final takes place this coming Friday evening, September 2nd at 7pm in Finuge where the Desmonds play Ballydonoghue. We would be hoping to have a large crowd supporting the team on the night. Girls Wind Up Summer Training Desmonds U-6…