Schools in Kerry have this week been invited to take part in the ActionAid Speech Writing Competition. The competition is open to all secondary school students aged 14 to 17.
The top six students from around the country will be invited to Dublin in March to deliver their speech in front of an esteemed panel of judges.
The winning two students will travel with their teachers to Nepal to see ActionAid’s Irish Aid funded women’s rights programme first hand.
There will be three topics to choose from focused on women’s rights, poverty, education and gender based violence. ActionAid is hoping entrants will come up with innovative and creative speeches, with a global view.
“We’re looking forward to reading the entries. Young people’s engagement and enthusiasm in development and human rights is vital to the creation of a better and fairer world for everyone,” said Olga McDonogh, director of ActionAid Ireland.
To enter, students can ask their teacher about the competition or visit for more information.
ActionAid Ireland was established in 1983 and is a member of ActionAid International, one of the world’s most respected development organisations. Together we work with over 19 million people in 45 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Irish Aid funds an ActionAid Women’s Rights programme in Kenya, Malawi, Nepal and Vietnam. ActionAid uses this funding to work with vulnerable communities in an effort to end early girl marriage, prevent gender based violence, gain land rights for women and help girls receive an education.