On Tuesday, parents and teachers of Transition Year students from Presentation Secondary School and St. Patrick’s Secondary School Joint Transition Year programme came together to celebrate the achievements of the class of 2019.
A total of 58 students undertook the year and it is testament to the success of the joint programme that similar numbers from both schools will enroll this coming September 2019.
Input from Principals
The awards night featured input from Presentation Secondary School Principal, Katherina Broderick and St. Patrick’s Secondary School Principal, Denis O’Donovan in addition to the co-ordinators of the programme, Karen O’Connor and Tim Long.
Students Invited to Speak
Additionally, students were invited to speak to the audience about their personal experience of Transition Year.
From the West End in London to West Kerry on Gaeltacht expeditions, the students’ input gave an insight into the many activities and achievements of the current cohort. Achievements ranged from qualification for the BT Young Scientist finals in Dublin, regional success in the fashion competition, Junk Kouture and Bronze GAISCE certification.
Fundraising and Volunteering
The group also engaged in fundraising efforts for a number of local charities in addition to volunteering their time with An Ríocht, the Knocknagoshel Halloween Festival and Castleisland’s annual Indoor Market.
All 58 students received a catalogue of certificates ranging from SafeFood qualifications to Emergency First Aid certification.
Awards Presented
The award for ‘Diligence and Contribution’ to Transition Year was presented to Jason Brennan of St. Patrick’s and Alanna Glennon of Presentation Secondary School.
St. Patrick’s Dara Culhane received the ‘Spirit of Transition Year’ award with Presentation’s Lauren Butler achieving the overall ‘Student of the Year’ award.
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