In the light – or maybe dark – of what’s going on around us people are being asked to do what they can to limit the spread of the virus now gripping the world.
As a social media platform for the greater Castleisland area we are putting our services at the disposal of people in need of grocery / food delivery services and for those willing to help with the delivery of those services.
The Simple Things
This could be something as simple as collecting and delivering a grocery shopping list to someone in and isolated area and now in the virus imposed social isolation trap.
Whatever about the panic that prevailed over last week’s outbreak of needless shopping, there is a genuine fear taking hold of the country.
Elderly people, in particular, are becoming increasingly nervous of contact for fear of contracting the virus.
Sports Clubs Involved
On the RTÉ Six One News this evening a report showed a young man from a GAA club delivering groceries to the doorstep of an elderly neighbour – and stepping well back when he heard the door being unlocked. Do please let us know about it here.
If you or your club members are in a position and of a mind to supply such a service, do please let us know about it here.
Please Let us Know
On the other hand, if you’re in isolation for whatever reason and could do with that service please let us know – even through a friend or neighbour.
There are people out there willing to help – I know – and we can put the needy and the providers in touch with each other.
If you are that friend or/and neighbour and you know of someone in need – do get in touch.
The shops and supermarkets will be operating and there will be no shortage of supplies – it will be just a matter of getting them to where they’re needed.
Email: jreidy@mainevalleypost.com Tel: 087 23 59 467