COVID 19 is having a huge impact on the fundraising capabilities of local charities and voluntary organisations.
Many of these charities are unable to raise funds through normal methods as all activities are on hold with no time frame for when they can start again.
Despite loss of income and the difficulties arising from COVID 19, charities and groups are still providing much needed services to their clients and people in local communities.
Kerry Cancer Support Group continues to provide a vital transport link for cancer patients to access treatment in Cork and Limerick.
Costs Have Increased
During the current pandemic their costs have increased as they are adding additional buses on the routes to maintain required physical distancing on each bus.
Kerry Cancer Support Group, like many other charities, is not state funded and rely on local fundraising events and donations.
In an effort to generate funds, Kerry Cancer Support has set up a donation page on Facebook – see the link below.
Support From Companies
It’s also seeking support from companies which can get behind this much needed and vital service.
The call for help was answered by Applegreen.
Applegreen has donated fuel to the value of €2,000 to cover the next month’s diesel costs.
The fuel vouchers will be used to fuel the Health Link Transport vehicles to hospitals in Cork and Limerick.
An Anxious Time
“We’re delighted that Applegreen have done this. In the midst of what is a very anxious time for everyone this has come as a very welcome boost for the Kerry Cancer Support team and our service users,” said Breda Dyland, manager of the Kerry Cancer Support Group.
“All of our funding comes from the community and all of our fundraisers have either been cancelled or postponed so this couldn’t have come at a better time,” said Ms. Dyland.
Delighted To Support The Service
Commenting on her company’s stepping up in support of the service, Applegreen’s Aoife Sheehy – a corporate social responsibility manager – said that they are delighted to support Kerry Cancer Support during these unprecedented times.
“We’re very grateful to the essential service they provide and our Applegreen sites across Kerry have come together to deliver this initiative and now, more than ever, we’re here for our communities,” said Ms. Sheehy.
Applegreen was founded in 1992 and now has 492 outlets and employs almost 11,000 people and the company has a very good history when it comes to social responsibility.
About Kerry Cancer Support Group
Family, loved ones, friends and colleagues are impacted by cancer each year.
The 2007 established Kerry Cancer Support Group wants to make sure that people in Kerry have access to the necessary treatments now and into the future.
The group is looking to the public, community and business for its support to raise funds to provide crucial transport links to treatment in Cork and Limerick.
Donate and Support
To donate and support the charity, please contact the office directly on 066-71 95 560 or visit our fundraising section on our website address below.
The Kerry Cancer Support centre at Maine Street in Tralee is currently closed due to Covid-19 restrictions.
However, there is always someone at the end of the phone willing and able to help and take details, reassure callers and provide them with information. Call 066 71 95 560.
For further information please click on the link here: www.kerrycancersupport.com